Main Street Baptist Church | Smithfield, Virginia
We are the Body of Christ, the Church; teaching, preaching, and reaching others for the Glory of God.
Dr. James M. Harrison, Pastor
At Main Street we strive to fulfill our purpose through nurturing believers by providing worship opportunities regularly. We provide evangelistic opportunities, as well as, mission reliefs to persons in need without resources through various ministries we offer. We also provide Christian Education services for members and non-members alike.
Christian and Academic Development
Main Street Tutorial Project Monday - Thursday 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Sunday Church School, Sunday 9:30 AM
Religious Discussion, Wednesday at Noon and 7:00 PM
Youth Under God’s Organization (YUGO) Wednesday, 6:30 PM
Service and Fellowship Ministries
Hospitality Services Guild Joint Ushers
Men’s Fellowship
Mission Partners (emergency, local partner)
Missionary Circle Ministry
Transportation (Church Activities)
Parish Nurse Ministry
Women’s Fellowship
Youth Ministries
Music Ministry
Adult Choir
Chosen Generation
Men of Music
Miriam’s Song
Praise and Worship Team
Youth Choir